How to Set Redshift Location Manually

Redshift is an application for making your display a little bit more yellowish. This yellow tint is an effect of removing a certain amount of a blue light from the image. The blue light causes an eye strain and overall is unhealthy for your eyes.

Redshift by default tries to find out your geographical location and based on that set a day or night mode (leave more or less of a blue color). The location is discovered using Geoclue2 library. Sometimes using that library do more harm than good and ends with an error message. Furthermore, setting the location manually is possible and may be made via Redshift’s configuration file.

The default location for the above mentioned configuration file usually is ~/.config/redshift.conf. The configuration for the manual location setting should look similarly to the snippet presented below.



Additionally, you may want to change lat and lon properties, which mean latitude and longitude, to those that fit your desired location.

And that’s it! From now on, Redshift will be always sure that your location is the exactly one provided within the configuration and there is no need to confirm that somewhere else.